Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 2 of P90X: Travel makes it tough!

Progress... any positive movement is progress.

I was all over the board with nutrition after Sunday. Until then, though... I was on-point! Travel always gets me! I don't have access to a scale as of Sunday, so the weight above is from Sunday morning. I'll weigh in again when I get home... we'll see what kind of damage I did.

  Personal Score:  C
I was good... until Sunday. But, sprinkled a little fun in there :)

This is the month of travel travel travel…. But what an awesome start to my week! I got to spend my niece’s and Dad’s birthdays with them! Always good to spend time with family.

Then, I headed to San Francisco where I got to see Betty and Cara for the first time since a week before I left BLR, Malibu. They both look amazing! It’s incredible how much a person can change physically in such a short amount of time! But, the best part about seeing them was feeling like we were back in Malibu, sitting at the dining table and chatting it up. It felt like home. I had the best time spending time with them, finally meeting Nicole, and getting to chat with their family. It warmed my heart to no end! Love those girls! We had a fabulous dinner at Original Joe’s and that night ended way too soon. I hope we don’t go long before the next visit!

Even though I had a lot of fun and was full of energy last night, I struggled a little today. Last night, I ordered Fruitti di Mare (a bunch of shell fish in tomato broth over linguini) and one vodka soda cocktail. I had planned that outing for more than a week, and it was part of my 10%, so why did I feel so guilty today? Maybe because I had to skip my workouts today to make it to work on time? Whatever the reason, it’s been eating at me all day and for the first time in months, I was craving chocolate to appease the emotional lashing that was occurring in the transoms of my mind. I even went to Whole Foods and bought healthy snacks and berries so that I wouldn’t get hungry throughout the day, and I found myself emotionally eating those as well! I had to start counting out the nuts and fruit so that I would eat a portion size and not a super size.

Before I left on this extended road trip, I set a goal to do my P90X workouts every day this week. I ended up working out to P90X on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. On Friday and Saturday, I also added a cardio workout to my day. I even got to work out with my brother on Saturday morning, which was a lot of fun! We did KenpoX and I definitely pushed myself harder with him next to me. (Competitive much? haha)

I tried to make healthy choices, for the most part (with the exception of Dad's Birthday dinner and the dinner with Cara and Betty), but I took photos of two of my staple meals: A whole wheat, flax seed, egg white tortilla with organic ham, and fresh salmon wrapped around crab, tobiko and green onion with a dab of cream cheese. I was doing ok for the first few days...
However, I started slacking once I was away from all of my fitness conveniences.  I was up at 4am on Monday, just to squeeze in an hour of P90X before I started my day. I found that I was trying to convince myself to stop working out on Monday morning because 1) it was rude to sweat in someone’s home, 2) because the rug moved too much underneath me, 3) I didn’t have the right dumbbells…EXCUSES… gosh, I sound like some contestants on Season 13 of Biggest Loser, don’t I? Yikes! With a 4am start, it’s no surprise that I was less than eager to repeat that on Tuesday after a 10:30pm bedtime the night before.

I don’t know how people who commute have the time to workout!  I brought my workout clothes into work, but barely had enough time to grab lunch from our work cafĂ© before heading to another meeting. My day ended at around 6pm, when I met up with my friend so that we could carpool back to her house in San Francisco. Long-story-not-so-short: Inevitably, Tuesday became an unexpected rest day.

So, here I sit on my friend’s couch, waiting for our Quinoa, veggies and fish to cook, reading Facebook posts and Twitter tweets, and trying to find inspiration and motivation for a new tomorrow…. Of course I should have known I’d find it in Amanda Tyson. After her tweet this morning about struggling a little bit, I didn’t expect to read what happened during the rest of her day. I feel like the proud big sister! Amanda had two PB’s (personal bests) today! Two IN A ROW! Amanda ran a mile without stopping for the first time ever… but that wasn’t all. She decided she had energy to spare and went on to run five miles without stopping! What?!?!  Looks like, once again, she’s an inspiration to me and I’ll have to get my arse moving tomorrow! Tonight, I need sleep because work has made me its bitch this week. But Amanda, you are amazeballs! Love you, girl!

One other morsel of inspiration came my way in a text message. A friend said she was cycling through pictures on her phone and found one of me from this time last year. Most of the "before" pictures I have are of me at about 230 pounds. The picture she sent to me was closer to the 259 mark. Unfortunately, that was a time in my life when I would run from cameras, so I have zero photos for displaying progress. Since this picture is the almost at the point where I was beginning my journey, I wanted to share this one with all of you today:

The Vigor 5K is in 4 days! I wonder if my hats were ever delivered to my home address? Can't wait to see the birthday girl (Meg Gazaway) and sport all of our crazy hats!!! Pee-my-pants excited! Going to be so much fun!

With that, I'll leave you with two inspirational quotes to get you through the next few days (the first one made me giggle):

I tried... it didn't work :)

Or playfully snap someone on the keester. ;-)

See you on the fit side!


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