Thursday, December 22, 2011

At Home - Day 4

During my personal training appointment today, Chris Savage (my trainer) told me that I should start blogging the following information:
Heaviest weight (Feb 2011): 259 lbs

Starting weight at Biggest Loser Resort (Nov 2011): 217 lbs

Current weight: 189 lbs

Approx 1200 calories
  • Breakfast: banana, whole wheat sandwich thin, almond butter
  • Snack: 12 raw almonds
  • Lunch: crab, shrimp, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, black olive salad.
  • Snack: light string cheese and 6 raw almonds
  • Dinner: zucchini, yellow squash, onions and chicken breast.
Approx 600 calories
  • One hour with personal trainer
  • 30 minute walk
  • 20 minutes incline on treadmill
  • Personal score: C+ (I could've done more, but I chose a massage instead)


I was at Bel Air today and the cashier asked me how my day was going. Without even thinking about it, I smiled and said, "Excellent!" I don't know that I have ever done that before and actually meant it! Just then, I realized that for the first time in years, I was feeling amazing! I believe BLR has changed my life!
Today's exercise began with a one-hour fitness training appointment. We start each session with a body fat caliper test and a weigh-in. Chris and I were both surprised to see that I dropped five more pounds since Tuesday! I am now in the 180s!  Hopefully, I will never see a 2 in front of my weight ever again in my life!

Chris focused today on stretching out my IT bands with foam rolling. It isn't very strenuous, but it is a painful exercise. He also asked me to start blogging every single day AND showing my weight <yikes> and nutrition intake for the day. This will hold me more accountable to my journey, and also serve as a reminder as to how various moods and inputs may affect my progress. He warned me not to celebrate the highs too much, and to accept the lows and move on.  

I met one of my best friends, Laurie, for lunch today at our good old seafood hang out. I was surprised to see how little I could order on the menu that would be considered "on the program." Everything was fried, slathered in butter, or "stuffed." I opted for a seafood salad, with egg whites, and barely dipped my fork in the dressing that was on the side (it looked as though I hadn't used any when I was done). I had also forgotten about their crack-laced sourdough basket of evil they call "bread." I am sure I was salivating profusely like a drooling coma patient at the table.
It was great to see the bread-buttering, thin and beautiful Laurie and tell her all about my BLR experience. I got a little misty I when she told me that my blog inspired her to work out. She's been working out for about a week now, and she looks great! She also invited me to workout with her and a few of the girls from work at 4:30pm every day. Apparently, a few of them are training for either a marathon or half-marathon! I wonder if I'm ready to get in on that kind of action?!?! I think I am going to take her up on that and see what happens! You can never have too many work out partners! Plus, what's the worst that can happen? I can bring my cell phone and call a cab during the race, right?
During lunch, Laurie gave me a gift certificate to Massage Envy for Christmas. She's so thoughtful!!! I immediately headed to midtown for a wonderful 90 minute massage! I think I fell asleep three times, which is great for relaxation, but makes the time seem to pass WAY too quickly. Felt soooo incredible! This is my beautiful friend, Laurie:
Laurie-loo and her hubby
I finally went grocery shopping... stores were crowded, and people in Sacramento can be quite rude, but I tried to stay in a Zen place and not shove my cart up someone's keester. I did a good job! I exited the store without incident.

However, I live in a place that is far removed from any parking and it's not easy to drop off heavy loads in front of the building. I was struggling with five heavy bags when I finally made it to the lobby doors, only to be blocked by a crazy-eyed, 6'5 homeless man. I said, "Excuse me" and he snapped back, "I'm just trying to get food! Give me food!" and then proceeded to EAT his sign... I believe he ate the "Merry Christmas, I'm homeless" part of it, just like a cracker! Ummmm... awkward. Here I am, holding groceries and dude is eating his sign and won't let me in my building. Oh, did I mention there were two bicycle cops across the street, munching on donuts, watching this happen? Sacramento's finest! (Thanks for the assistance!) Who knows what crazy-eyes was going to try to eat next! I kicked rocks! I had to go around the building to another entrance where a very kind person helped me with my heavy bags.
In my blog yesterday, I mentioned that I took some "after" photos at a doctor's office...I have some of the before/after pictures below... I couldn't post all of them because I'm too shy to show that much of my body on the Internet. Besides, I'm not too sure many people would really WANT to see that much of me! LOL! This is a little embarrassing, but if it inspires just one person, then it'll be worth it. Here they are:
OK - enough of that <blushing>... change of subject...There's a 7:30pm yoga class that I'm debating whether or not to attend. What I really want to do is fall asleep! Besides, I wouldn't get home until 9pm and I don't want to run into crazy-eyes again in the dark. It would be a shame to pepper spray someone this close to Christmas.
I think I'll enjoy the sunset colors from my living room. It's a clear night and I can see the Sierra Nevada mountains... makes me want to pop open a bottle of wine and cook an Italian meal! Ahhhh....
(But, I won't.)
View from my living room tonight

Note(s) of the day:
  1. Splenda is WAY too sweet!
  2. When you are on a low sodium diet (less than 900mg per day), string cheese (the LIGHT, low moisture version) tastes like heavenly salty deliciousness... or, as Meg Gazaway would say, "It's an esophogasm!" Miss you, Meg!!!!
  3. These things people call feelings are a big pain in my ass. Can I sell them or gift them to someone? Meh!
  4. I love almond butter ... yum!
You bet your ass, I am! :-)
See you on the fit side!

1 comment:

  1. AHHH!! Look at your progress girl!! I wish my Doctor would have done the before and afters that is INCREDIBLE!! I love you sharing all your experiences and I love that light string cheese gives you an esphogasm!:)
    Keep it up!! You have inspired me to get back on my blog! This is my journey and I am letting "life" keep me from recording it! Gotta go catch up my time at BLR!! LOVE YOU, MISS YOU!
